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Virtual Teach-In May 7


Scholar Strike Canada will Launch a two- day labour action on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th May 2024, in support of the student encampments and protests across Canada demanding their universities divest its holdings and other interest, from Israel.  We are calling on all workers, faculty, and students across the country to withhold their labour from their university on these two days and join the protesters on their campuses or join the virtual teach-ins at Scholar Strike Canada.


In the past few weeks, we have seen student protesters set up encampments on their university grounds demanding that they divest from Israel. They include Mc Gill University, University of British Columbia, University of Alberta, University of Toronto, University of Ottawa, Victoria University and Western University.  We are sure others will follow. 


In mid- April we witnessed universities in the U.S. most notably Columbia University set up encampments and the administration’s violent carceral response.  Legions of Police officers were brought in and unleashed horrendous brutality against students and faculty.  This brutal criminal engagement with students and protesters were seen at other U.S. universities as well.


On Thursday 2nd May, U of T students set up their encampment in King’s College Circle they call the “People’s Circle for Palestine” despite threats from the administration that such actions would constitute trespassing. Students with faculty support remained steadfast chanting, singing, and doing teach-ins on the first day of protest.  In the evening a rally of over a thousand U of T students, alumni and community supporters gathered outside the encampment to offer support and protection for the students and faculty. It was a peaceful gathering with speeches, chants, music and lots of joy and amazing energy. The university was forced to recede from carrying out its threat of removing the encampment at 10:00 P.M. that night.


Scholar Strike Canada (SSC) together with the U of T People’s Circle for Palestine campers will host a rally on Monday 6th at their encampment site. We will hear from U of T students, faculty, community members, poets and more.  Our live programming begins at 11:30 A.M. (EST).  On Tuesday 7th May, SSC will be virtual only and starts at noon (EST). People will be able to follow us on both days on the Scholar Strike Canada You Tube channel.


Please spread the word and if you are in Toronto come out and support the U of T encampment student protesters and Scholar Strike Programming.  For others join us on-line on both Monday and Tuesday at the times above.


Israel continues its genocide against Palestinians, in which we are made culpable as our universities continue to invest in the ongoing genocide. We at Scholar Strike Canada say No to genocide! Divestment Now!  Free Palestine!

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